Best Video-Sharing Android Apps With Monetization

Sharing Videos on the web is the most popular way of earning and gaining popularity. Multiple Android Applications are available providing video-sharing services. However, this page is all about the Best Video-sharing Android Apps To Earn Money. Now Sharing videos can be beneficial for the uploader. Learn about the best available platforms.

With an Android device, accessing various functions is easy. Video Shooting and Editing is one of the most popular available features. Most Android device provides high-quality picture-capturing services and video editing applications. Using these services anyone can easily create a video. However, using this feature to earn money is quite new. Get details related to earning using videos.

Video-Sharing Apps

Video-sharing applications are available for Android devices. These Applications provide users access to platforms to share their videos. People access such platforms to gain popularity, marketing, earning, and other purposes. Among all available reasons, the most common objective is to earn money. Multiple platforms are available to provide such services.

Due to the diverse collection of video-sharing platforms, finding the best available platforms is quite problematic. Therefore, people mostly waste time on limited platforms. However, better options still exist, which people don’t know about. This page brings complete information related to the top available video-sharing earning apps.

Best Video-Sharing Android Apps With Monetization

Most available entertainment platforms provide free access to the available content. However, the platforms are making money using the ads. Limited applications are available, which provide a part of earning to the content creators. Get details related to the top available platforms for video content creators to make money.

YouTube Google LLC

One of the most successful Google products is YouTube. A Free Video-Sharing platform provides advanced-level services for Viewers and Content Creators. This application provides quality services for Content Creators. Therefore, over 61.1 million active content creators provide content on this platform. Additionally, the earning ratio is also high compared to any other available platform. Start uploading your content and earn money.

  • Completely Free App
  • Share Videos Or Shots
  • Earn Money Easily
  • Original Content Only
  • Much More


Vimeo is another popular Video-Sharing platform. This platform also provides monetization services. Therefore, content creators can easily access this Android application to earn money. This App provides monetization services on Videos and Livestreams. So, Live Streamers and Content Creators can easily work on this platfrom to earn real money. The reward system is also quite simple and easy.

  • Share Video Content
  • Live Stream Earning
  • Easy To Monetize Account
  • Earning Based On CPC
  • Much More


One of the most popular Short-video sharing Apps is TikTok. With over 1 billion users on the Google Play Store and 62 million reviews, this App provides built-in video editing tools and filters to make the content more attractive. Additionally, sharing a shot video is enough on this platform. Currently, monetization is limited to certain countries such as the US, the UK, France, Germany, Spain, and Italy. 

  • Short-Video Sharing
  • In-App Filters and Editing Tools
  • Easy To Gain Popularity
  • Simple To Complete Monetization Requirement
  • Much More

Twitch: Live Game Streaming

The most popular live-streaming platform is the Twitch App. This Android App has 100 Million+ users on the Google Play Store. This app is specially developed for Android gamers to get a live-streaming platform. Apart from this, this App is also the most popular app for providing monetization. Additionally, sending money from the viewers is also possible. Get the best available earning services on this app.

  • Live Game Streaming
  • Easily To Use
  • Viewers Send Money
  • Monetization Earning Possible
  • Simple and Easy To Use
  • Global Access To Services
  • Much More


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platforms. Billions of active users all over the globe spend time. So, this platform also provides services such as Shot-Videos and Video Content sharing system. However, currently, the earning services are limited to US users only. So, US users can easily start monetization of accounts and make money from this app. More countries will be added to the list soon.

  • Socialuzation Services
  • Share Multiple Types Of Content
  • Easy To Monetize
  • Getting Viewes is Easy
  • Much More

The available platforms are legit and available on the Google Play Store. Therefore, users won’t find any problems related to the available services. However, access the available monetization requirements before working as a content creator to get an overview of the process and time. All available platforms are best for uploading videos and earning.


The Best Video-Sharing Android Apps To Earn Money are available above. However, uploading the right content is also necessary to attract viewers. Therefore, provide quality content, Thumbnails, Tags, Focus Niche, and other related factors. More similar informative content is available on this website. Follow to get more.