Best Methods to Make Space on Android Devices

No matter how big the RAM on your mobile phone or tablet is, there is always a requirement for some more. Before your device tells you that it is running out of storage here are the best methods to make space on Android devices free of cost without any hardware upgrade. Go through the list and apply them for a better experience without much effort.

Best Methods to Make Space on Android

One of the most dreadful notifications on your mobile phone that you could ever get is a storage full notification. Once this message appears there is no way you can install apps and games or save many photos and videos. But here are some methods to squeeze some space without losing much:

Check out the Gallery Icon

Most of the time some photos and videos are unnecessarily wasting space on our gadgets. You might not think much about them on usual days, but if what you are looking for is more storage then it is time to do something about it.

These could be screenshots, poor images, duplicate content, and all that you would not like to look at twice. Get rid of all of it and you will be able to save a whole room for extra material in the future. Go through the library and there you will see content saved from various social media and other apps. Getting rid of them will also empty up more space.

Say Goodbye to Old Audio Visuals

Streaming and content-watching apps are great whenever we want some quality entertainment. But sometimes, when we have premium access, getting the content offline is the natural tendency for many. Over time, this results in the accumulation of songs, podcasts, movies, etc. which take up a lot of space.

Thus head to the relevant folders and you will find hours-long content just holding space. Remove these items one by one or all in one swoop. This could be also done by going to the relevant apps like YouTube, Spotify, etc.

Remove and Disable Unwanted Apps

Some apps especially the ones that you get from Play Store can be removed. But when you have to deal with built-in apps there is nothing much you can do. In the first case if you are not using an application or a game, then it is better to remove or uninstall it from the device. But what about those apps that do not give this option?

Clear Device Cache

The device cache is one of the ways that your mobile phone or tablet can give you a quick response saving time. The cache is meant to store data and use it to deliver you a fast service by reducing processing time when you require it. But if left unchecked, the cache can pile up and run into hundreds of MBs. Thus dealing with it becomes imperative for Android users and that is the reason Apkladda has mentioned it for you.

This is actually, unnecessary data that you can get rid of and save space for yourself. To get rid of this pile you can go to Settings and find Storage. Here pick ‘Apps’ and it will take you to the part where there are many apps installed on your Android device. Then from the menu that opens use ‘clear cache.’

Head to My Files and Only Keep What you Need

Do you know your mobile phone has a storage room for everything like documents, images, videos, and all other files? This storage is called My Files or simply Flies. Once you use the icon from the home screen to access it, everything will be uncovered on the screen for you.

Here you can find all kinds of files from the very first day you started using this device. Just go through the list and find all the material that is no longer required. Get rid of it and make more room on the smartphone easily.

Final Words

Here I mentioned to you the best methods to make space on Android devices. Use these options or you can opt for a dedicated application that can do the same work without you going for all the hard work. Just use a cleaner app from the Google Play Store and automate the process where you can take care of many things just by tapping a virtual button.